Przecinek Miejski

Przecinek Miejski to modularny system nakładek do przestrzeni publicznej. Przecinek umożliwia odpoczywanie i podpieranie się w pozycji pół stojącej pół siedzącej idealnej w momencie oczekiwania na autobus lub pociąg.


Hot Basket it is pipe shape radiator designed for bathroom, salon or hall. The shape of a basket can give temporary storage to dry clothes or towels. Moreover it can be also a hanger or umbrella holder simply by special plastic elements which you can fasten to pipes wherever you like in matter of seconds.

Rubico is a model of radiator designed for both functionality and decorative use, typically for office and home space with high standards. Made of modules, it is easy to rearrange aluminium heat emitters in order to fit customer demands on shape and pattern. The aluminium add-ons can be set easily on pipes like bricks.The biggest advantage of Rubico is efficiency caused by big heating surface. Team project: Piotr Hojda, Jadwigi Husarska-Chmielarz, Kannadasan Ganesan and Peiyi Chang.

Sticknet-system of bath hangers, easy to build and modify by user.The stiff construction gives base for upgrades like shelf’s and baskets depending on customer needs.It is possible to upgrade set later on by buying necessary add-ons :storage units made of elastic lycra or thermo modified plastic.Sets include aluminium pipes and rubber connectors, variety of connectors connect from 3-5 pipes together.Hangers can be mounted in 3options:from neodymium magnets, suckers to direct permanent mount.

X & Y
X & Y is a set of a pen`s designed for a pair of people in relation, like wife and husband, mother and daughter or even business partners. When both pens are lying next to each other on a desk, they make one piece, because each one has identical flat surface. Every ball pen is carefully hidden inside a pen, and there is only one possibility in order to pop out a ball pen. Before writing, users are forced to crack small jigsaw by twisting 3 elements.


Folding laser range finder with a calculator. It has three working positions which activates groups of bottons and measuring bases. There are two positions for measuring and one for reading result. It is very handy, because you can modify it’s dimensions. Moreover it has cavities on both sides, so fingers don’t touch walls during measuring.


A musical instrument for autistic children. Design for integration and communication between four players. There are four independent elements which you can connect and make a pyramid of them. Each instrument has various scale of sounds caused by different sizes of brass tubs.





Cutting bords made form highly pressured papier in HPL technology. Boards are durable and solid. They can have different graphic on.


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